Square Root Shortcut Tricks

We are going to learn how to Get square root faster. See the tricks to get square root faster with a simple methodology. This method work for perfect squares.
First We need to write all the the squares which is shown in the image at the right.
Now Find square root of different numbers. Learn this with two examples as given below -
Find Square root of 3249?
To find square root of 3249 we first split it in pair of two from right side (unit and tenth places first). Here we got 32 and 49. Since 49 is in first part, we can clearly see that 9 at the unit place so from the table we find that it is either 3 or 7 for which 9 is at unit place. So we confirmed that our unit part is either 3 or 7.
Next is to find the tenth part. For this we see 32 lies between which squares? From table we know that 32 lies between 25 and 36 i.e.square of 5 and 6. So we take 5 as our tenth place.
We got that 5 must be at tenth place but not sure about unit place. For that we are going to add 1 to 5 which results to 6. Now 5 multiplied by 6 gives 30, which is smaller than 32 our tenth place part hence we are going to take 7 the bigger part as our unit place. If product is large we take smaller one else vice versa.
So from this we get square root of 3249 is 57.
Second Example - Find square root of 2209.
22 and 09 so we have unit 3 or 7 and see 22 appears between 16 and 25 i.e 4 or 5. So take 4. Now 4+1 =5 so 4*5=20, which is less than 22 so take 3 (3 is smaller than 7). Hence our ans is 47.

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